A friend in the men’s ministry at our old church, when he found out about my online moniker—Retrophisch, an anagram of Christopher—started referring to me as “Phisch.” I looked at it as a shortened version of Retrophisch, just as Chris is shortened from Christopher. And in some ways, I’ve run with the fish theme since.
Before social media took over the world, if you had an online presence, it was most likely through a weblog, or blog. When my wife decided to try her hand at blogging, and she needed a title, I suggested “Life in the Phisch Bowl,” as I had referred to our household as such several times on my own blog, so she used that for a bit. She hasn’t blogged for some time, so I thought it a fitting title for this initial post as we begin looking at connected parenting and helping children who have experienced trauma.

Because that’s how parenting feels some times: like we’re in a fish bowl, and the rest of the world is watching — and judging — us. And while “the Phisch Bowl” has become nothing more than an inside joke between…well, me and myself, the plan is to talk about things we have learned as parents on this journey, making transparent the bowl of our home that you can look in to, and hopefully take away something that will help you and your children.
Like the podcast, these blog posts are for parents of all kinds: foster parents, adoptive parents, kinship parents, even good ol’ all-the-kids-are-biologically-ours parents.
If you are interested in deepening the relationship you have with your kids, as long as you both live, then you are in the right place.